Thursday, August 10, 2006

Somebody asked about the Privacy Policy

From a response to an advertisement for this site...

heh - no privacy policy? No email address...

Privacy policy, eh? Hrmm, here goes....

Privacy Policy : Anyone who joins the mailing list will get an occasional email about progress on people joining the mailing list (and some information about when and where events will occur). Once he is kicked out, the google group, and the blog, will be deleted.

Let it be known and explicitly stated that the email addresses used to join the mailing list will not be sold to any outside party, rented to any outside party, given to anyone, loaned to anyone, or used for ANYTHING other than the stated purpose of this site.


There is a very good chance that I hate spam a lot more than you do. I have been on the Net since before it was called the Net and have a deep and abiding aversion to spam, unsolicited email and anything else that wastes my time or bandwidth. I will not waste yours.


Blogger Robot Pirate Ninja said...

Who is he? It seems like you're being intentionally obtuse.

I am, slightly. Most traffic to this site will come from other links where the context of the discussion should make it clear who I'm talking about.

Like this thread.

Right now is propbably just poorly-organized political activism. The idea is to improve and expnd said organization. This is a humble beginning.

August 15, 2006 3:11 PM  

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