Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Protester Arrested at U.S. Capitol Asks: What About the First Amendment? - DemocracyRising.US

Protester Arrested at U.S. Capitol Asks: What About the First Amendment? - DemocracyRising.US

Good work, but we still need a few orders of magnitude more people.
"Washington, D.C. - A rally against the Iraqi War at the U.S. Capitol, on Tuesday, September 26, 2006, led to the arrests of 71 protesters by the police, according to a spokesperson for one of the organizers. The passionate demonstration was co-promoted by the 'National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance' (NCNR) and the 'Declaration of Peace' organizations. These conscience-driven advocacy groups, antiwar and/or religious based, endorse the laudable principle of nonviolent resistance to and noncooperation with 'the U.S. government, the military, the corporate merchants of war, and all institutions that feed' the War, Mayhem and Death Machine of the Halliburton-challenged and Big-Oil-oriented Bush-Cheney Gang. The specific focus of the activists today was on pressuring the U.S. Congress to 'develop a comprehensive and rapid peace plan' for ending the Iraqi conflict and for bringing the troops home. "
Read the rest of the story for the details.


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